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Arthur Damian

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Megaton Rainfall puts the Man of Steel to shame

Superheroes are all the rage these days. There’s not a single A-list actor/actress who hasn’t sidled their way onto the Marvel Cinematic Universe character roster; and with DC looking to throw a few return punches in the near future, I think it’s safe to say that our local cinemas will be utterly preoccupied with tight bodysuits and the occasional cape for many years to come.

And I mean, being ludicrously wealthy is NOT a real superpower.

The gaming industry is less saturated, being largely dominated by Rocksteady and Warner Bros.’ Batman: Arkham series or LEGO Marvel productions. If there’s a running theme here, it’s that these are characters with whom we are all incredibly familiar: be it cinema or videogame, there are no new supers in sight. And that, folks, is where Megaton Rainfall comes in.

It’s been 2 years since we last saw Megaton Rainfall. Unveiled at the Independent Gaming Festival in California back in 2015, developer and publisher Pentadimensional Games have been quietly chipping away at their behemoth of a venture until two days ago, when a flurry of announcements gave us a full trailer for the game – we’ll get to that shortly – and a release date for PS4: September 26th.

Taking its cues (in my opinion) from Watchmen‘s Doctor Manhattan, Megaton Rainfall hands you the reins of a “indestructible inter-dimensional super-being” who can reach Mach 10 in 5 seconds and topple buildings with a mere thought. And what does this quasi-deity do when it’s not wandering the seventh plane of the eternal realm?

It defends us pathetic earthlings from alien invasion.

Of course, we pathetic earthlings are utterly unprepared to deal with either extra-terrestrials or inter-dimensional super-beings, and therein lies the catch: use your omnipotence to destroy the hordes of mechanical alien ships, but watch out, because one blunder and you’ll demolish half of Paris. Or punch a hole through a continent.

Boasting an extraordinary open world (I mean literally, world: planet Earth is the first explorable area) and “unprecedented freedom of movement” in the form of unlimited flight and speed, Megaton Rainfall is one of the most ambitious videogame projects I’ve ever seen, particularly given its humble beginnings. Having started in 2012 as a one man band, lead developer Alfonso del Cerro has since been joined by several new artists, as well as musical talent from David Garcia, who has lent his talents to Rime and Hellblade.

Oh, and he’s also written a lovely blog article on the PlayStation Blog that offers a ton of additional information and some sneak previews of the environments, baddies, and super-powers. Prices are as of yet unknown, but the game is confirmed to be PSVR ready, and will be available on Steam in the foreseeable future. If you want more information on the game, check out the Megaton Rainfall website here.

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Xbox Achievements receiving “fundamental changes”

As a guy who has in the past been called an “achievement whore”, I was really excited to see the news that Xbox’s achievement system will be receiving further “fundamental changes”. Looking at what they are talking about, it does not seem it will affect myself much as a gamer.

It seems that the changes are aimed more at people who play less games, but play them a lot. For example, if someone were to buy only a couple of games a year and only played those they would not receive much gamerscore. What Xbox is looking at here, is to find a way to celebrate those players more, to show off their accomplishments aside from the specific challenges each achievement tracks. How that will happen, I have no idea, but we will see.

As it stands now, every Xbox One game has a max gamerscore of 1,000 no matter how big or small the game. The developer can add on more if they feel the need to, usually by means of DLC, but not in every case. This means for people who do not buy a lot of games, they do not have a great chance to increase their gamerscore or have anything to show for the many hours they have put into a single game.

Personally, I try and get as many achievements in a game as I can, if I like the game enough I definitely try to get all 100% of them. The thing is though, throughout the course of the year I buy multiple games to play on my Xbox. I also have a Gold membership so I receive the free Games with Gold every month which allows me to grow my gamerscore regularly. Not everyone can do that. There are quite a few people out there who play only one or two games a year and that is all they can play so Microsoft looking to reach those people more through achievements just sounds like another good PR move on their side.

At the time of this writing, I sit at a gamerscore of 144737. I love going for achievements and have bought small indie games in the past just to get in some easy achievement hunting. Also it has helped me play games longer than I normally would have because it presents a clear objective for me to pursue (looking at you The Division). Hopefully whenever these changes make their way in it will allow gamers the chance to further show off everything they have achieved.

If you want to see the original Windows Central story, you can check it out here.

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Ni no Kuni II pre-orders and special editions now available!

BANDAI NAMCO has announced today three new physical special editions for Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom on the PS4 and PC.

Ni no Kuni II follows a brand new story and set of characters, albeit set in the same universe as the previous game. A treacherous coup has forced Evan Pettywhisker, a young boy king of Ding Dong Dell, to flee his kingdom. Ni no Kuni II recounts the story of Evan’s journey to build his own kingdom and unite the world as a deposed king.

After a recently announced delay, Ni no Kuni II is set to release on the 19th of January 2018. Fans can pre-order one of three special editions (or the basic edition, if they wish or just simply miss out) now!

In the US:

The Day One Edition includes the game and a Special Sword Set DLC.

The Premium Edition includes Day One Edition content, plus an exclusive SteelBook case, a 3D papercraft kit, a Dragon’s Tooth exclusive DLC sword, and a music collection CD.

The Collectors Edition includes all of the Premium Edition content in addition to a huge art book, a chibi mechanical rotating diorama, a Lofty plush, the The Making of Ni no Kuni II Blu-Ray, a 3D Papercraft display case, and a season pass.

The season pass includes two large DLC releases and a supply kit full of items hand-picked for the discerning adventurer.

In the UK (on PS4):

The Standard Edition includes the game and postcards.

The Prince’s Edition includes the full game, the making-of Blu-Ray, a SteelBook case, and the Season Pass (The Digital Prince’s Edition includes the game and the Season Pass).

The King’s Edition includes the full game, the making-of Blu-Ray, a vinyl record featuring the main theme in a gatefold slip, the diorama figure, a 20cm tall rotating music box that plays the game’s main theme, the art book, and the Season Pass.

In the UK (on PC):

The Standard Edition includes the full game.

The Prince’s Edition includes the full game and digital pass.

The King’s Edition includes the full game, a code for all of the digital content in the PS4 King’s Edition, the vinyl, the making-of Blu-Ray, the diorama music box, the artbook, the SteelBook and the Season Pass.

Those who pre-order the game will receive the Special Sword set for free.

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is set to release on PS4 and PC on the 19th of January 2018. Pre-orders are limited and available now, so get in quick!

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REVIEW / Pyre (PS4)

Sometimes I come across a game that is difficult to describe and sell to others; Pyre is one of those games. I’m not experiencing this difficulty because the game is overly complex or bogged down in backstory or strange mechanics. No, Pyre is difficult to describe because it’s so beautifully, achingly addictive, pretty, aurally pleasing, and just so downright fun that it’s hard to sound like anything but a massive fangirl while trying to objectively review it.

Pyre is the newest, and third overall, title developed by Supergiant Games. You may remember Supergiant from such indie hits as Bastion and Transistor, both which had very unique storylines, fun gameplay, insanely good soundtracks (hey there, Darren Korb and Ashley Barrett) and pretty, pretty art. Based on those factors, Pyre fits snugly into the beautiful little pocket of game development that Supergiant have crafted for themselves. While Bastion was a fantasy hacky-slashy, story-driven, world-rebuilding RPG and Transistor was a sci-fi, hacky-slashy, story-driven strategy RPG, Pyre is…a visual novel football game.

No, no, come back here! I wasn’t done!

Pyre takes place in the Downside, a world where exiles from the Commonwealth are sent when they have broken the law. You play as the Reader, a recent exile who has been sent to the Downside for breaking the law forbidding literacy. You are soon found by the Nightwings, a group of three exiles dressed in matching raiments and masks – the demon woman Jodariel, the four-legged cur Rukey, and the nomad (basically a human) Hedwyn. They invite you into their blackwagon, tend to your injuries, and reveal that they have been told to find an exile who can read by a mysterious person named Sandalwood. They hand the Reader a book to prove that they can read, and upon opening and reading a page or two of the Book of Rites, the exiles are swept away to a battlefield against another group of three exiles in different raiments and masks.

A Voice speaks to the Reader, welcoming them to the cycle of the Rites. Jodariel, Rukey and Hedwyn form a triumvirate known as the Nightwings. They are then pitted against the other triumvirate in a Rite – a game designed to prove who among the exiles is worthy enough to participate in a later Liberation Rite. The Liberation Rite is their only chance to be absolved of their misdeeds and allowed to return home to the Commonwealth. The Nightwings, under the guidance of the Reader (who does not participate in the Rites and instead controls the other party members), must best enough other triumvirates – each with their own names and unique party members – to be considered worthy for liberation. The Reader uses their unique ability to follow the stars, named for the Eight Scribes of legend, to lead their team to victory.

A lot to take in, right? Let’s start from the beginning – the visual novel format. Pyre’s player character, the Reader, is never seen, so you can roleplay the game however you want. A lot of Pyre’s text can be interacted with directly, allowing you to learn more by hovering over red hyperlink-style words that pulsate with new information. You also occasionally have the option to change what you’re saying by clicking on the dialogue directly rather than choosing from the game’s typical multiple-choice answer format. For example, right at the start of the game you are able to choose your gender (male, female, or non-binary) by interacting with a line of dialogue which suggests the gender that your fellow exiles are guessing you identify with. I thought that was a nice little touch right from the get-go. When you are provided with the multiple choice question-answer format, you can always hover over each response option to access an information window detailing a little more about your response before you choose.

A star named for one of the Eight Scribes, indicating the location of the next Rite

When you’re not chatting up the Nightwings, you can basically poke and prod everything in the blackwagon, from the drive-imps that move the wagon to the little trinkets you collect on your journey. Each Nightwing has a special item in the blackwagon which, when hovered over, gives some flavor text explaining what they’re up to even though you can’t see them (characters only appear in the blackwagon when they’re available for discussion). For example, by hovering over Jodariel’s rug it may provide the flavor text “Sparring with Rukey”. In the case of flavor text where another exile is mentioned, finding their special item and hovering over it will provide a reversed version of the other character’s text (e.g. “Sparring with Jodariel).

This is another small touch that I really liked. The flavor text changes extremely frequently and can be worth a few laughs. You can find out so much about the world of Pyre just by poking around and hovering over everything. From the blackwagon, in addition to conversing with your party members, you can also choose to read the Book of Rites. The book, despite being extremely thick, only reveals new pages and chapters at specific times, whether as the result of story progression, exploration, or other events. There are chapters dedicated to the story of the Eight Scribes of legend, other triumvirates, gigantic beasts from the time of the Scribes, and the locations you visit. If you’ve read everything there is to read in the Book, you can check out the character roster, which provides every bit of information about the Nightwings that you could possibly want.

The individual roster pages cover each character’s Rite stats (which I’ll go into later), their masteries (which I’ll also go into later), their basic skills, and lots of information to do with backstory, such as why they were exiled. The latter must be earned through conversation, story progression, and by sometimes pitting Nightwings against characters from other triumvirates with whom they have a history. When you’re not inside the blackwagon, you may be visiting the Slugmarket (accessed by clicking the icon when it appears when your blackwagon is stopped) to buy and sell useful items. When the blackwagon is on the move, you use the point-and-click interface to choose your next destination, whether in the stars or on the ground. You can also take specific paths or detours, each with their own hover-able flavor text indicating what consequences (i.e. temporary stat boosts for the next Rite) you may incur as a result of choosing that path

I believe that if you’re going to make a visual novel style game, you have to have incredibly strong artwork, music, and above all, story, to back it up. Visual novels are fantastic when done right, but it’s glaringly obvious that it was an attempt at an “easy out” for the developer when poorly executed. Thankfully for Pyre, Supergiant is no stranger to absolutely gorgeous artwork and character design. Each Nightwing is bursting with colour and character, and there’s so much variety between the party members. Part of Sandalwood’s instructions to the first three Nightwings was to find an exile to suit every mask and set of raiments in the blackwagon. There are a wide variety of species in Pyre, and naturally a raiment and mask to fit one of each in your blackwagon. Nomads (humans), dog-like curs, demons, wyrms, imps, and more can join your party. You will also meet other triumvirates featuring each of these species, with the special ones (typically leaders of the triumvirate which are important to the story) differing significantly in appearance and manner from the ones you invite to join your party.

During Rites, the characters on both sides are reduced to identical sprites (barring the colors of their raiments indicating which triumvirate they belong to) based on species. For example, the hulking Demons will look the same when on the field regardless of gender or appearance when the raiments aren’t being worn. You would think that the change from beautifully crafted character portraits in the visual novel segments to the comparatively simplistic sprites would be jarring, but it really isn’t. I feel that the simplified appearance of the exiles during Rites makes the game easier to view and control in the heat of battle. The sprites are still lovely to look at and the animation for each movement is super smooth. In fact, I would argue that it’s a nice departure from the static portraits during story segments, as nice as they are.

As for the Downside itself, the world map absolutely bleeds with color and character. Each area is equally fantastical and technicolor, but at the same time incredibly distinct from all the others. On the first playthrough you never know exactly what to expect as you traverse from desert to forest to strange, sickly bogs and other weird and wonderful places. As I said earlier, a visual novel with poor art is always going to stick out like a sore thumb. Luckily for Pyre, it’s drenched in beauty no matter which part of the game you’re playing.

One of the many locations for Rites

While we’re on the subject of the Rites, let’s talk about gameplay outside of the visual novel aspects. While I kept referring to the Rites as “battles,” they’re actually non-violent. A Rite goes like this: the two groups of exiles gather where the next Rite is to take place. Here they lay down their respective triumvirate signs (a circle placed on the ground bearing the sigil of the team) at either end of the field. A flame then grows on each of these signs, which is known as the pyre. The field may also feature small obstacles which can, in some cases, be moved and bumped around, but ultimately require the Reader to guide their triumvirate around them in order to make their way to the other side to douse the opposing team’s pyre. At the start of a Rite, each pyre will have 100HP (while it’s not identified as HP in the actual game, that’s what it is) unless any of the exiles have a skill or piece of equipment which affords their team more or the other team less points at the outset. Readers choose three exiles to form the triumvirate and can assess the skills and equipment of their adversaries before choosing. Rites are played 3-on-3 only, no matter how many team members each side may have in total. When the Rite commences, a celestial orb (basically a glowing white ball) appears in the center of the field.

Players must rush to grab it and transport it to the other team’s pyre. If an exile is not carrying the celestial orb, they are surrounded by an aura. Members of large species like the demons have very large auras, but move incredibly slowly. Very small species like curs and worms can move very, very quickly, but have tiny auras. If an exile from one triumvirate makes contact with an enemy’s aura, they are temporarily banished. When a player is no longer banished, they return to their pyre and are available to control again. Different types of exiles also have different skills they can use during Rites. For example, curs can press and hold a button to shoot their aura in a beam at the enemy. They can also hold another button to consume stamina and run really quickly. And they can jump.

While holding the celestial orb, exiles lose their aura and must rely on their other skills and techniques to make it safely to the pyre without being banished. Curs, for example again, can still use their sprinting and jumping abilities, but their aura cast ability is replaced with the option to throw the orb. Exiles can throw the orb at the pyre, at their enemies, at the ground or at their teammates. Only one exile can be controlled at a time and uncontrolled exiles do not move independently. The Reader can swap control of available exiles at any time. If all three exiles are banished at the same time, the pyre is open for dousing by the enemy team and is completely defenseless. Additionally, if you douse the pyre by jumping into it, that character won’t become available for use until after the pyre is doused once more. Obviously, it can be tempting to make a team of nothing but incredibly quick characters that can zip past everyone, but Supergiant makes sure you play fair by introducing a variety of circumstances where one or more characters may simply be unavailable for some Rites. Honesty, every single one of the Nightwings, regardless of how I felt about them when they first joined the party, is a great asset and can make a great part of just about any team.

At the end of a match, exiles who participated receive Enlightenment, which can be seen in a bar that fills up at the top of their roster page. Enlightenment essentially functions as experience (though it is supposed to be a measure of how much they have learned during their punishment and whether they have become worthy of redemption), and there are five levels for each character to pass through. Obtaining each level of Enlightenment allows the player to select Masteries from two trees on each character’s roster page. One tree will typically focus on one part of a character’s playing style, and the other tree will focus on another. To a point, you can pick and choose from both trees (up to the allotted five times) but you will never be able to get all of the available Masteries (there is a maximum of four for each character). As you progress through the game and become more enlightened, so too do your enemies, who start to obtain Masteries themselves. And, because your enemies always have the same skills and Masteries to choose from if they are from the same species, you may find yourself fighting a mirror image of your demon or wyrm, or one that has specialized in the opposite tree. When it comes to the Liberation Rite, the amount of Enlightenment your characters have determines how worthy they are of being liberated.

But what about that new character I got that I haven’t found a time to use yet? Fear not, spectating Nightwings receive Inspiration on their Enlightenment bar instead. The presence of Inspiration means that the next time they receive Enlightenment, it will increase much quicker than it would have otherwise. With each level up, your characters stats also increase. There are four stats that each character possesses: Quickness, Presence, Glory, and Hope. Quickness, funnily enough, determines how quickly your exile moves. Presence determines the size of their aura, so characters like Jodariel have very high Presence and low Quickness. Glory determines how much damage the individual deals to the opposing pyre, and Hope is responsible for how quickly the player returns from banishment.

Now, in addition to the slot for Masteries on the roster pages, you also have a space for Talismans. Each Nightwing can only equip one Talisman at a time, and they are obtained through story or through visiting the Slugmarket and spending what little money you usually have kicking around. Talismans can be specialised to a specific exile, or they can be general and equipped by anyone. They offer a wide range of buffs and debuffs, including being able to automatically reduce the enemy pyre’s HP at the start of a match. You can also buy special stardust to buff Talismans up to level 20 (although, irritatingly, I saw enemies with level 30 Talismans, which was impossible for me), which improves their effect. Turns out Jodariel can be mid-to-upper range in Quickness across the whole party if you buff an early Quickness-boosting Talisman throughout the game. Talismans are pretty essential to getting the edge on the other teams, especially since, much like with Masteries, they’ll start using Talismans as well.

Is all of this starting to feel a bit too much? Well, fear not, because now and then while you’re out travelling in the blackwagon, you’ll have the opportunity to pursue Vocations. Vocations are split into three choices – scavenging for items that you can sell or equip, reading the Book for permanent team-wide stat boosts, or tutoring another exile. If you tutor an exile, they get a massive boost to Enlightenment, so it’s pretty goddamn useful. I never really bothered with scavenging, and I think that study only pays off if you invest in it early. It’s really hard to look past a sheer experience boost, however, and it didn’t hurt me at all doing that most of the time.

Now that we’ve covered gameplay, let’s take a deep breath and stare lovingly at the soundtrack for Pyre. Anyone who’s a Supergiant fan knew what to expect even before the first song was released alongside the teaser trailer. Almost every one of the tracks has a distinct Darren Korb feel to it, even though all of the tracks are wildly different from that of Bastion or Transistor. I’ve been listening to the soundtrack (which is available right now on Supergiant’s website for a very reasonable $10USD) nonstop since the game came out. Not only is the music wonderful, and the vocal tracks (hello again to Darren Korb and Ashley Barrett) simply sublime, but the further you get into the game the more you realise just how much effort went into the construction of the music. Each triumvirate has its own theme which plays in battle. The Liberation Rites have a specific theme as well – a theme which changes based on which triumvirate you happen to face. There’s also different versions of said theme depending on whether you or the enemy has the advantage. It blew my mind, okay?

Unwinding by spending time on Vocations

As for voice acting, well, there aren’t actually many characters who speak English in the game. All the characters have distinct voices, but speak in a frantic kind of gibberish that’s really endearing. You also start to pick up a few specific words over time, light the word “Nightwings” which is said at the end of every victory, and during many story segments. The story segments aren’t fully “voiced”, but the sound bites don’t get repetitive either. The Voice is the only main character who really gets to have full lines, and I was delighted time and time again by his expressive, hilarious voice acting (you won’t recognize him as Rucks from Bastion, but sure enough). I was also impressed by just how personalized his commentary over the course of the Rites can be. There’s amusing “Ooh!”s and other exclamations of surprise, a thousand snarky comments depending on how he feels about you at the time, and heaps of individualized remarks about specific exiles. This is especially impressive when you consider that you choose a name for one of the characters out of a list of more than 10, and there’s even personalized comments for her!

I can’t praise the beautiful music and voice acting in Pyre enough. Don’t you dare buy the soundtrack until you’ve played the game, but I’ll give you permission to access the soundtrack for free through the safety of Supergiant’s YouTube playlist when you’re hankering to hear specific themes again and again. Oh, but you don’t want to hit up the internet to listen? Luckily for you, eventually a character in your team who plays the lute will give you access to the jukebox…but every single song is played on the lute! That’s yet another set of variations on the soundtrack.

Now, here is where I would love to go into in-depth talk on the storyline and the progression of the story across the life of the game. In truth, even though I would love to gush about it, I really don’t want to spoil anymore than I may have already. I wasn’t lying when I said that Pyre was an addictive game, and that is due, in part, to how gripping the story is. While my boyfriend argues that the pacing of Pyre wasn’t as good as in Bastion, I have to disagree, because I never felt a single dull moment while playing the game. At one point I did fear that the game was going to become very repetitive and boring, but I was proven wrong a thousand times over. To paraphrase a character from Pyre, the cycle of the Rites spins uncontrollably until finally, it falls over and stops. The character development in Pyre is also top notch, and you would hope so with such an enormous cast. You may never find out why Rukey was exiled on your first playthrough, and I’ll make a keen bet that you’ll be back into your second playthrough with the bare minimum of time spent processing what you just experienced. You become very, very attached to the Nightwings and many other characters in Pyre, and decisions which may be really easy for some people may be almost gut-wrenching for you. The more you explore and learn about the Nightwings, the more you start to take their individual circumstances and histories into account, even if it comes down to throwing a match to make someone happy. Pyre‘s voice acting, story, and characters are also just so, so full of humor. Hundreds of times during my playthrough of the game, I was cackling at hilarious quips by the Voice or one of the Nightwings. Even the little hover-over flavor text is full of amusing snark.

To wrap up, here’s a few small notes that didn’t really fit anywhere else: there is no online multiplayer, but I think that’s okay because having any bit of lag in an otherwise fast-paced Rite would be terminally aggravating. Supergiant was kind enough to tell you that you may get spoiled by characters or other mechanics if you choose to try to play multiplayer before completing the story (heed this advice, you don’t want to be spoiled). The couch co-op is extremely fun and just as tense as any of the story battles. You have a full roster of characters to choose from, including enemies and a few extras. You can also alter the starting HP of the pyres, decide whether to use Talismans and Masteries, and choose your stage and tunes for the match.

If you had told me pre-release that Pyre would turn me into a raving, hollering sports fan, I wouldn’t have believed you. Yet, here we are. I’ve never reacted so intensely to anything resembling sport before in my life, but Pyre changed all that. Pyre has so thoroughly enchanted me with its visuals, its story, its characters, its music, and its gameplay that immediately upon finishing it, I announced that it may be my game of the year. Why yes, I do say that despite 2017 being the same year that Persona 5 released. It’s been a few days since I finished Pyre and while I’m still not sure that it’s my game of the year for sure, it definitely ranks extremely highly, not just for this year, but out of any of the games I’ve ever played. Upon reflection, I think that it’s better than both Bastion and Transistor. The attention to detail on the tiniest of features and the extreme focus on character development really won me over. If you don’t buy Pyre (and its soundtrack), you’re a damn fool.

The post REVIEW / Pyre (PS4) appeared first on That VideoGame Blog.

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REVIEW / Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles (PS4)

I don’t always beat the games I review here on TVGB. I commit a respectable amount of time in order to understand the game before reviewing it, but I rarely make it to the end credits screen. I beat Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles; this is a huge compliment don’t get me wrong, but I wish I hadn’t. After 10 or so hours of gameplay, the credits rolled and I was left disappointed. Fortunately, the journey of Yonder was a lot better than it’s destination, filled with exploration, quests and a whole lot of crafting.

You play as either a young boy or girl on a quest to find out where they’re from and what happened to their parents. Your only tool is a magic compass that points you in the right direction. When the game begins, you’re actually on a ship sailing to the mystical island of Gemea. By way of a cutscene, you use your compass to help navigate through a storm that formed out of the blue, but eventually end up ship wrecked. You wake-up on the shores of Gemea with only the (now tattered) clothes on your back and your compass.

Your adventure starts from there. You quickly learn that you’re a “Sprite Seer” and can see the fairy-like creatures called sprites. These tiny fairies are found all over the island and have the ability to dispel Murk, an evil fog polluting the land. One of the main missions in the game is to find and collect enough sprites to cleanse the murk from each of the eight distinct biomes of Gemea. The biomes range from rocky coasts to tropical jungles to frozen plains. Each zone is corrupted with Murk and the citizens that live in those regions need your help to clear it away.

The game itself is gorgeous. There’s a day and night cycle, weather, even seasons. And since there’s absolutely ZERO combat in Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles, the visuals are easy to appreciate and the island is fun to explore. Exploring, finding sprites and clearing murk is only a small aspect of the game however. While you do have the ultimate goal of learning more about your past, crafting is what will keep you busy.

Crafting various items and gathering materials for said items is what I spent a good 60-70 percent of the game doing. There are trade guilds to join, bridges to build and farms to tend. Any quests you come across (all of them fetch quests) usually involve crafting or collecting something. While many recipes require basic materials you can purchase or find in the wild, more advanced creations need items that must be crafted first. Exchanging crafted items for goods and services is another way to profit as crafted items are usually worth a lot of money.

Outside of crafting, another feature of the game you’re able to invest time into is farming. The farming system in Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles is very user friendly and offers a good amount of customization but is also ENTIRELY OPTIONAL. I made a farm just to give it a try but after that, I never made another one. While I could see the wisdom is creating my own materials for crafting recipes, it simply wasn’t worth effort. Buying them always seemed more efficient because setting up a farm took time. You had to first craft animal pens, then lure the livestock onto your farm which was a painfully slow process. After that you need to craft a place for them to eat and drink and even hire a farmhand to help tend your farm while you’re away. It was too much investment for too little return and all for items I could just purchase myself.

While the game was very charming and enjoyable to play, it still felt unfinished and incredibly tedious. There was a lot to do but at the same time there wasn’t. It lacked a variety of content and wasn’t very rewarding. For instance, you build bridges to places you’ve already been. You can craft items you’ll never use, like fireworks or fabergé eggs. There’s an antique currency you collect throughout the game that you never need to use either. And there’s so many things to find and collect just for the sake of saying you found them all that you inevitably give-up and say it’s too much. Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles will definitely keep you busy but you don’t earn anything for your hard work. The game’s ending struck me the same way.

While I had fun playing through Yonder, in the end I felt wanting for more. More story. More content. More….meat. I was expecting steak for dinner and got salad. It was a tasty salad but still left me hungry. Food analogies aside, Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles is a rather enjoyable casual game, and being combat free, is a great introduction to adventure games for any young gamers out there.

This review is based on a retail copy of the game provided by the publisher.

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Humble Bundle & GUTS Department to showcase Aegis Defenders at Gamescom and PAX

Humble Bundle has partnered with developer GUTS Department to bring their charming old-school action platformer Aegis Defenders to Windows PC and Mac later this year. Aegis Defenders will feature a new playable build which is premiering at tradeshows Gamescom in Cologne, Germany and PAX West in Seattle, Washington.

Aegis Defenders is an epic 16-bit adventure that blends Metroidvania-style combat with Tower Defense strategy – plus it just looks really pretty for a 16-bit game.

Aegis Defenders will join A Hat in Time, No Truce with the Furies, Staxel (Gamescom only) and Keyboard Sports – Saving QWERTY in the Presented by Humble Bundle preview lineup at both tradeshows.

Aegis Defenders reignites the magic of old school adventure games for a unique blend of gameplay and rich narrative. Players control Ruinhunters Bart and his granddaughter Clu, who explore ruins to locate the legendary weapon known as Aegis. Bart is a machinist who specialises in building structures, while Clu is a skilled hunter and trapsmith. The two wage war against corrupt beasts and the Empire to save the world, one realm at a time.

Players must make use of the dynamic character swapping available in Aegis Defenders to switch between up to four characters anytime to utilize the best passive abilities of inactive characters in conjunction with the skills of the active character. Friends can also drop in and out of your game at any time for some co-op action, or even play the entire story campaign cooperatively with you. And why wouldn’t you bring a friend along to explore the painstakingly hand-painted environments in the game?

Aegis Defenders will be showcased at Gamescom and PAX West this year.

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REVIEW / RimWorld (PC)

So there I was, machine-gunning my way through three man-eating bunny rabbits, trying to get to my three comrades fighting off a base fire, when these raiders popped up out of nowhere and started busting down the walls! Sounds like the middle of a fantastic story, right? Well, in RimWorld, it’s just another day. RimWorld is a colony simulator game by Ludeon Studios. While it has been in early access since 2013, it was not fully released until this month. With all of the updates and additions in the Alpha version 17, though, players who experienced the early access versions may want to jump back in for an all-new experience.

For those who are brand-new to the game, like myself, it can be a bit difficult to get started. There is a tutorial of sorts, but it covers the very basics like “people need food” and “don’t make everyone sleep on the ground.” Even after going through it, there were still tons of actions and scenarios I had no idea what to do with until I had been playing for a good couple of hours. My first base was a complete failure, and my second base was only marginally better.

It wasn’t until my third game that I felt I had a somewhat decent grasp on what the heck was going on. Even on my third go, I still had plenty of challenges, but these are all part of the game’s charm. Once you’ve gotten the basic commands and controls down, you can get into the “fun” of learning your colonists’ strengths, weaknesses, and preferences and begin building a base that will keep them safe and happy through the various seasons and threats you’ll encounter on the alien planet they’re on.

RimWorld allows you to set up the game style you’d like – from sandbox to extremely challenging – as well as what area your people will be landing in (note for beginners: temperate forest!). It even allows you to randomly generate the starting colonists until you are relatively happy with all of their stats. However, there’s still a large element of unpredictability, so you can never guarantee anyone’s survival or happiness.

As you build up and work with the various colonists, you may even begin to grow fond and not-so-fond of some of them. Somewhere in my game, I realized that I had delegated rows of shabby graves off in the middle of nowhere for raiders I had killed. For my first colonist, I began building the nicest sarcophagi I could near my base – because colonists are more important!

While I love the game for the most part, there were instances in which I wished there was more autonomy. I understand that colony simulators are always heavy on the micro-management, but having to turn on and off every light or heater/air conditioner is a little ridiculous once you’ve got a base of 10+ people. Seriously…they’ll just boil and complain about it because I forgot to turn off ONE heater in this freaking place?

As far as visuals go, I thought they’d be a problem. The initial welcome screen is a nice, but generic view of some planet from space, the graphics for the storytellers you get to choose from are very 90s, and the actual game graphics are barely above those from the original Oregon Trail. However, once I got into the actual story and caring every element from the amount of food to the color of the carpets in my base, I completely forgot about the graphic quality and it eventually became another charming aspect of the game.

Overall, I really enjoy RimWorld. In fact, I’ve spent about three times as many hours playing in the last week than I ever thought I would, and I have no intention of stopping any time soon. It is well worth the $30 price point it currently sits at on Steam. Bonus: it works on PC and Mac!

This review is based on a retail copy of the game provided by the publisher.

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REVIEW / Pressure Overdrive (PS4)

Pressure Overdrive is actually a rehash of a 2013 game (named just Pressure) that came out for the PC. The developer, Chasing Carrots, took the game and developed it through Unity in order to spread the game to different consoles. The PS4 version was released the end of July, and it’s quite a disappointing experience to play the game.

You see, Pressure Overdrive is a shoot ’em up that takes place in the ground with a steam-buggy and in a steampunk universe. The premise is that a conniving dark lord is attempting to pilfer all the world’s water sources in order to create his own wellness spa. To steal the water, he has constructed machines that suck up the water. It is then up to you to use your little steam-buggy to offset his plans by racing to his headquarters and bring him and his machines down. During your adventure, you will have to learn how to maneuver through crazy tracks with obstacles, use your weapons and gadgets to destroy the greedy water-sucking machines, and balance your steam-buggy’s need for pressure in order to run.

The main mechanic in Pressure Overdrive is the pressure system. Firing your weapons and using your gadgets (such as a turbo boost) uses up pressure. There are two ways to gain pressure: it regenerates over time when weapons or gadgets are not used or destroying enemies. Dispatched enemies also drop gold, which is used to upgrade the steam-buggy. There are six areas of the steam-buggy that you can upgrade: its front, rear, top, bottom, weapon, and body. With at least six different parts to attach and upgrade to, there is literally a lot of different combinations that you can customize to.

Customization is one of the good things about Pressure Overdrive. To suit your style, you can opt for a electricity-inducing Tesla buggy with a zapping weapon that jumps to multiple enemies and a rear zapper that takes care of the enemies behind you. Or you can opt for drones to fight for you while you ram nearby enemies with your spiked wheels. The possibilities are endless…if you have the gold for it.

That’s where my disappointment comes in. During the campaign mode, the gold you earn in each level is capped by how many enemies there are. Thus, if you want to maximize your earnings, you have to kill all of the enemies in the level. That’s a good goal if you can keep up with the right upgrades for your steam-buggy. The thing is, once you purchase an upgrade for your steam-buggy, the gold you pay for will be gone.

You say, “Well that’s fine, since you got an upgrade, right?” Well, the problem is that if you choose the wrong upgrade, that may mean you will have to restart the whole campaign all over again, since your effectiveness in killing enemies and collecting gold will diminish over the future levels. By the way, to pour salt over the wound, you can replay old levels to better your gold retrieval, but you are stuck with the upgrades you have made from that point on in the level; upgrading your steam-buggy affects future levels, but your past upgrades are stuck with you in the previous ones.

On easy and normal difficulties of the campaign, the gold issue is slightly alleviated with giving you the option to sell back upgrades for a fraction of the cost (with normal difficulty being less of the fraction given than the easy difficulty). The problem is that you still will come off with less gold than what you started with. In the hard difficulty (which by the way, there is a trophy awarded for completing the campaign on hard difficulty), there are no buybacks. What annoys me about the whole gold and upgrade mechanic, is that it discourages the experimentation aspect of the game. You literally will have to figure out what is the optimum steam-buggy setup, and you will have to plan what and when to upgrade.

The developers noted in a forum I read that the reason there is a freeplay mode is for that experimentation aspect. The gold and upgrade mechanic was devised in order to preserve the integrity and difficulty of the campaign mode. While I think that explanation is a little ridiculous, one of the flaws about the freeplay mode is that you have to beat the main campaign first in order to unlock all the 33 different levels, which again brings me to the point about having a good strategy (or read a good guide).

Speaking of a good guide, you might have to refer to YouTube for the original game in order to beat some of the boss battles. There are three bosses in the game, and defeating them is somewhat of a puzzle. While that aspect is quite fun, what gets frustrating is that the game gets particular (or it may be a glitch) in order for the boss to change its attack patterns for you to take it down sometimes. Thus, you are left with a barrage of constant attacks with no reprieve on taking down the boss.

Those who are left insatiable with the 33 levels of Pressure Overdrive can take on the endless mode. In this mode, you keep going and going until your steam-buggy’s hull is destroyed. Each completed level gives you a spin on the wheel that gives you a random assignment of upgrades to choose from.

If Chasing Carrots can make changes on its gold and upgrade mechanics and deliver it in an update, then I could say Pressure Overdrive is a fun shmup. If the developer also tweaks around its boss battles to not be so particular, then the game would be even better. However, with its current state and mechanics, I can only recommend the game to those who are willing to plan upgrades and look up guides to beat bosses in order to complete the game…which I do not think is fun.

This review is based on a retail copy of the game provided by the publisher.

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Shephy rams its way to Steam

Okay, what are the first two things that jump into your head when I mention solitaire? Cards and sheep, right? No? Well, in this particular case those are the two things that are going to be in the mix. That busy bunch over at Arc System Works have just announced the release of Shephy on Steam.

Some of you mobile users and Switch owners may have already come across this solitaire style card game. In Shephy your aim is actually relatively simple. All you need to do is increase your sheep count to 1000. You need to achieve this goal using combinations of the events found on the cards before you empty your deck three times.

For beginners Shephy features both tutorial and practice modes. This will let you get a good feel of what you’re doing before moving onto anything more challenging. When you’re nice and comfy with the controls you’ll move to Challenge Mode. Here you will be looking to attain the aforementioned goal of 1000 sheep. There isn’t actually a limit to the number of sheep you can collect so there’s plenty of scope for high score enthusiasts.

If you’re looking for a slightly different take on the game, Shephy has a story mode. In the game’s Post Love mode special sets of rules may apply to go hand in hand with each part of this title’s story line.

If you like card games and … well … sheep, Shephy may well be something for you to try. It’s waiting for you on the Steam sStore if you find yourself wanting to get involved. As a little side note I’m rather impressed that I managed to get through this entire article without the need for any bad puns. After all, padding it out with sheep jokes would have made the entire thing far too wooley. Sorry, couldn’t resist. Pop over to Steam and have a look for yourselves.

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New Bonuses Stages and Time Attack Mode Announced for Sonic Mania

Sonic Mania, one of the most highly anticipated Sonic titles to date, is quickly approaching its release date. Coming off of an announcement on Special Stages at Comic-Con San Diego, Sega has also announced that Bonus Stages and time attack mode will both be featured in Sonic Mania.

The Bonus Stages will see the players navigating Sonic, Tails or Knuckles through a series of blue spheres in order to complete the stage. Those familiar with Sonic 3 will notice similarities. Once a blue sphere is touched, it turns red. If a player runs through a red sphere then the bonus stage goes uncompleted. Bonus Stages will differ from Special Stages in that players who complete Bonus Stages will be rewarded with medallions. Silver medallions are rewarded upon stage completion, while gold medallions are rewarded if the player successfully captures all of the blue spheres as well as the rings.

Time attack mode will allow players to compete for the fastest speed online. The times are globally ranked, so players from all across the world will be able to compare their speed.

The Special Stages differ from the Bonus Stages in structure and reward. The player will chase down enemy UFOs. Blue spheres can be collected along the way that will add to the player’s speed meter. Once the meter is full, the mach level will increase. The player will move a lot faster, but should take care not to fall off the stage. The reward for catching up to the enemy UFO is a chaos emerald.

Sonic Mania will be available August 15th for the Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PC. This is one of two upcoming Sonic titles. Sonic Forces is a 3D and 2D platformer currently slated for release later this year.

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